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Lauriol Plaza
Call us: (202)387-0035
Directions: Find us on the map
Reservations: Reserve online
You can now write a review about your overall experience at Lauriol Plaza in Google.
Making a review is easy. Just follow these simple steps:
With Gmail Account:
- Sign in to Google with your email address and password
- Create/Complete your Google+ Profile
- Visit Lauriol Plaza Local Business Page
- Write a review
- Sign up for an Email Account
- Follow step 1-4 above
Thanks for sharing your voice with us.
Lauriol Plaza
Call us: (202)387-0035
Directions: Find us on the map
Reservations: Reserve online
Lauriol Plaza Review
Bustling kitchen serves classic Mexican, Spanish and Latin American dishes & drinks in a spacious, 3-floor architectural design with rooftop, mezzanine, sidewalk terrace and bar.